A Cock and Bull Story

19 Dec 2016

This is a short post bringing together my recent ramblings on TV tunnels with my love of meta. “A Cock and Bull Story” is one of my all-time favourite films, if not my all-time favourite. It’s a film about making a film of a book about writing a book, in which Steve Coogan plays (a version of) himself. There are so many circles within circles: one beauty is a cameo from Tony Wilson, played by Coogan in “24 Hour Party People”. Wilson plays himself and interviews Coogan, opening (if memory serves correctly) with Alan Partridge’s immortal words, “Knowing Me…”

In another brilliant scene, Coogan plays himself playing himself. I think. Anyway, it’s brilliant. And it features, along with some excellent swearing, a mirror tunnel.

Tags: meta, film, recommendation
