Pages tagged “metaphoto”

19 Oct 2015
A photo of a photo of a model of a model
Following our recent trip to an infinite village, I am now the owner of a planned photo of a photo of a model of a model. Thanks to Sarah the patient wife and photographer.
16 Apr 2015
A model of a model of a model - and a plan
I’m not the first to notice this, but it’s so close to something I independently thought of I had to reblog it. Village has a model village which contains a model model village which contains a model model model village… It’s a story from boingboing about Bourton-on-the-Water in Gloucestershire, which contains a model village - modelled on Bourton-on-the-Water. True to the spirit of infinite recursion, the model village has a model model village, and so on.
06 Sep 2013
Two bits of metajournalism
I quite like all things meta. Metacomedy and metaphotography especially. Anyway, I wonder if it’s a coincidence that these two articles were published on the same day: Opening paragraph just repeats the headline, claims journalist - NewsBiscuit My ‘shameful secret’: I’ve learnt to love clichéd journalese - Daily Telegraph
17 Jun 2013
Two more metaphotos for my collection
I’ve mentioned my liking for metaphotos before. Now, with the hugest of thanks to photographer extraordianaire, Quentin, Sarah and I have a great set of photos of wee baby Iris. Equalling Iris’s toy collection in size and quantity but probably surpassing it in terms of expense, the contents of Quentin’s photographic kit bag were put to deft and skilful use, and the results are brilliant. Grannies/grandmas/granddads reading this: we are deliberately witholding the full set, but don’t worry, just be patient!17 Dec 2012