Pages tagged “photography”

05 Jul 2019

Video time travel

In my previous post about spherical photography I mentioned how pleasing I find it that recording in all directions captures things you wouldn’t otherwise capture. And how you could shoot action, and then frame it later. (by rendering a spherical video into a normal video that tracks the desired subject) So I have to share this thing, shared from the internet recently by my friend Dan. A couple of tourists are recording a spherical stroll round a Mallorcan town.

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29 Jun 2019

Polar co-ordinates rule OK

After a recent save-up I found myself in a position to buy a new gadget, and excitedly ran (I actually did run, as I was training for a 10k) to the Apple Store. It wasn’t an Apple product I was collecting, though: an Insta 360 One X was mine, and I couldn’t wait to get using it. Having been given a VR headset as a very generous leaving gift from Owlstone, I had already begun to explore taking 360º (technically, spherical) photos, using Google Street Map app on my phone.

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