Pages tagged “webmaster”

02 Feb 2024
Skill swaps
Late last year I finished (after probably taking too long) (also, when is a website ever finished?)… a website. This one is a little Django site for a friend of mine who’s a very talented artist. The site showcases paintings, and it has the world’s simplest home-made CMS and a contact form. Nothing super clever, but it was fun to build. In return, Sammie gave our family the best souvenir ever of happy holidays - a painting of “the big house” - where we’ve spent many summers swimming; eating, drinking; watching shooting stars; chasing and being chased by bats and hornets and debating who goes down the hill for an armful of pastry and baguettes every day.
07 Aug 2015
Physical Web for Presenters
I was at a very interesting meetup (Cambridge Internet of Things) yesterday. Alongside a thought-provoking presentation about online privacy and cloud computing, I learnt about the Physical Web project. Scott Jenson explained the aims and the activities that are well underway. I’m a geek, I get excited by such things and my mind runs ahead. As I watched people holding up smartphones to capture the projected slides, presumably to grab details, it occurred to me that giving a presentation might be a great physical web use case.
16 Jul 2014
Automatic testing FTW
When you’re building something made of software (!), it’s widely-accepted best practice to write tests for it. Nothing new there. Attending an excellent event in Cambridge last week, a superb presentation by Tim Perry from Softwire made me realise something else though. Writing tests makes your application more secure. This sounds trivial, but I mean tests like “does the widget do what it’s supposed to do” tests, not “does the app refuse log in if the password is wrong”.
08 Oct 2012